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  • pelediamond

Santa Barbara Vintage Market

Updated: Mar 9, 2022

Being someone who recognizes and appreciates upcycling, I am aware that it can feel difficult to find locations and events which are centered around the reuse of waste products. With major clothing stores like Target, PacSun, Forever 21, and Ross within arms length, it is tempting to purchase their mass produced products simply due to convenience. However-contrary to how it may seem-there are many easy ways to find upcycled pieces within your area. One of which is through the use of Facebook where you can oftentimes follow accounts which support upcycling within your city. Some of these accounts will post about events near you like the one I attended below in downtown Santa Barbara.

This event was overflowing with booths where artists would sell items ranging from handmade jewelry to second-hand clothing.

One of the booths pictured above was selling products from a small business called the GlossaryLA. These jewelry pieces reused plastic products which previously littered various beaches.

Displayed above, another booth sold homemade jewelry which was made from recycled crystals and beads.

These pieces are incredibly unique, requiring the artist to personally collect, sort, and redesign waste products.

As illustrated by the sign pictured from the booth below, this artists sold various pieces of clothing which were produced from recycled plastic bottles and organic bamboo. Transforming these items, this artist was able to construct durable fabrics with a brilliant array of colors and patterns.

Although it can take extra time to find events like this one, the extra effort is beyond compensated by the distinctive artists and artwork you are exposed to. The beauty of these products lies in their details, care, and purpose. Going beyond providing unmatched aesthetics, every time you purchase something you are simultaneously supporting hardworking artists and protecting the environment.

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